Bi-location: Access Guidance & Love from Beyond the Physical (Free Event)

Discovering your multidimensional nature bridges the gap between the seen and the unseen and connects you to a sphere of beneficent caring allies who are no longer in a body, enabling you to feel the love that is the source of everything within and around you at every moment.

In Discover Bi-Location to Experience the Multidimensional Nature of Your Soul with renowned shared-death experiencer Scott M. Taylor, EdD…

… you’ll experience for yourself the exhilarating power of bi-location to commune with your dead loved ones and pets and meet anyone else of your choosing in the nonphysical realms.

Discover the Wonder of Your Voice as a Spiritual Practice

In How “Becoming Your Voice” Connects You to Source: Explore How to Reawaken the Wonder of Your Voice as a Spiritual Practice for Healing with Silvia Nakkach…

In How “Becoming Your Voice” Connects You to Source: Explore How to Reawaken the Wonder of Your Voice as a Spiritual Practice for Healing with Silvia Nakkach…

… you’ll explore sound in a new way to become your voice — focusing on the shamanic, contemplative, embodied, and artistic aspects of your voice.

Chakradance: Archetypal Healing Dance Practice – Jungian approach

learn how Chakradance, a powerful fusion of spontaneous dance, energizing chakra music, and immersive visualizations, can help you shift from pain to hope and possibility

Natalie says that Chakradance is a “joyful affirmation of who you truly are,” activating the primal part of you. It invites gentle healing by allowing buried emotions and traumas to slowly surface — layer by layer — through the loving wisdom and awareness of the body.

Watch UNSINKABLE Movie 2024 Free Online, Get New Book & More Gifts

Watch UNSINKABLE - Life-Changing MOVIE - You'll LOVE it

“I just watched your incredible movie: Unsinkable – Thank you! Your story of bouncing back from all the things you shared from your past, ten years ago, and then the really touching moments during the making of this very film, about losing your mother… what a gift. I am uplifted and also motivated to make a change for myself. Thank you so much for creating this movie! With Love and Respect, Joe”

Find Your Helping Spirits through Ceremonial Shamanic Journeying

ceremonial shamanic journeying with Sandra Ingerman

Renowned shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman will share the life-changing experience of developing a tangible connection with helping spirits in the worlds beyond ours, including how she can feel her guardian holding her hand as they sit on the warm earth and drink tea together.

Discover Belly Dancing as ‘Medicine’ to Activate Deep Healing

Discover 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony with Dondi Dahlin & Titanya Monique Dahlin

In Discover the 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony: Ancient Wisdom & Healing Movements to Reclaim Your Power, you’ll discover how to dissipate old thought patterns and stuck energies through the Chinese Five Elements AND belly dancing as energy medicine to activate your physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Use Quantum Intention Making Techniques to Manifest Your Desires

Learn Quantum Intention Making to manifest your desires

In Explore Quantum Science & Consciousness: How Scientific & Spiritual Principles Align for You to Create a Magnificent Life with quantum physicist and science of consciousness pioneer Dr. Amit Goswami…

… you’ll experience for yourself a revolutionary path of awakening your consciousness through the synergy of quantum science and spirituality and learn a step-by-step, repeatable manifestation process to craft your most empowered, authentic, and intentional life.