Discover the Secrets for Healing Your Cells (Free live online event)

Discover Cellular Healing Secrets With Interval Entrainment Healing Experience How Sound Frequency & Vibration Can Activate Whole-Body Wellness

Sound connects you to the universe and everyone in it through its vibrational nature, and serves as the gateway to your spirit — to your energy and light and that place of truth and wholeness within where your healing can expand to its highest level.

In this illuminating workshop, Dr. Higgins will provide a light-hearted yet profound introduction to Interval Entrainment Healing, her unique healing innovation that uses tuning forks in harmonic balance with your own thoughtful intention.

This is an opportunity for you to create a bridge between the physical and nonphysical aspects of yourself and bring your body back into balance.

Herbs for Holistic Cancer Care, Symptom Relief & Boosting Immune System

Herbs for Holistic Cancer Care, Symptom Relief & Boosting Your Immune System

With Chanchal’s guidance, you can learn to harness the therapeutic power of plants for all stages of your wellness journey — including recognizing early warning signs, recovering after surgery, optimizing radiation treatment, managing pain, and more.

In Herbal Support to Help You Thrive After a Cancer Diagnosis: Harness the Potency of Herbs for Holistic Cancer Care, Symptom Relief & Boosting Your Immune System with Chanchal Cabrera…

… you’ll explore the healing potential of herbal medicine in cancer prevention, treatment, and overall wellness through evidence-based strategies and practices — while experiencing just how empowering and delicious herbal remedies can be.

Boost Spiritual Growth by Harnessing Power of Medicinal Plants for Mind, Body, Soul

David Crow about How medicinal plants can fuel your spiritual evolution

Discover the profound connection between plants and spiritual evolution in this captivating blog post. Explore how medicinal plants can fuel your mind, body, and soul, providing essential insights that unify natural medicine, ecology, and spirituality. Learn from David Crow, the founder of Floracopeia, as he shares his expertise on perceiving plant intelligence, connecting with their essence, and establishing a stronger energetic relationship through breath practices.

Discover Effective Somatic Practices for Vitality, Fluidity & Healing

effective somatic movement practices for vitality, fluidity & healing

Join more than 35 of today’s highly sought-after somatic movement experts and teachers will guide you through simple somatic practices to move you beyond stuck energy into easeful states infused with vitality and relaxed alertness.

Also, there will be additional professional track sessions and expert panels that will offer leading-edge industry information to add to your toolkit, allowing you to move to the next level in your teaching practice.

These professional track sessions will immerse you in the most prevalent philosophies springing forth in the field, while offering guided somatic movement techniques designed to advance you — and your teaching practice — to the next level of mastery

This life-enhancing Somatic Movement Summit will reveal the healing powers of embodied motion. I hope you’ll participate in this online gathering presented by The Shift Network. Prepare to be transformed!

Quick “11-Minute Miracle” Breathwork Technique for Higher Consciousness

Breathwork Technique for Tapping Into Higher Consciousness: Breath Fundamentals to Ignite Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Wellbeing with Michael Brian Baker

Michael Brian Baker, the founder and CEO of The Breath Center, teaches us that our whole-being health mirrors the way we breathe. In fact, the breath is used as a diagnostic tool in several Eastern medical traditions that have been practiced as far back as 5,000 years ago.

Join Michael for a free hour-long event, in which he’ll share the hidden secrets of breathwork and its remarkable capacity to open portals to varying levels of non-ordinary consciousness, sharpen your mental and physical faculties, release any kind of pain at its root, and create the changes in your life that you crave.

Pandiculation – Somatic Movement to Release Trauma, Stress, Chronic Pain

The Pandiculation Technique: Somatic Movement to Release Trauma Response & Chronic Pain: Regulate Your Nervous System to Experience More Freedom & Access Your Full Potential

Martha’s teaching methodology is grounded in the science of the nervous system, yet is also playful, safe, and accessible.

Her approach to somatic education has transformed the lives of people around the world, enabling them to restore freedom of movement and postural imbalances to reverse chronic muscle and joint pain — and it can transform your life too!

Quantum-Touch – Simple yet Powerful Approach to Energy Healing

Discover Quantum-Touch to help yourself and others heal and revitalize

You can use Quantum-Touch in tandem with all other healing modalities, including Western medicine. Its efficacy has been attested to by physicians, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and other healing professionals.

As your perspective shifts, you’ll learn to accelerate the healing of self and others, tune in to life’s synchronicities more deeply, and attract greater success and love into your life.

Receive Medicine of Dark Goddess, Cicada Spirit Guide & Christ Consciousness

Awaken 3 Sacred Shamanic Lineages of the Heart Experience Profound Renewal Through the Medicine of the Dark Goddess

In Awaken 3 Sacred Shamanic Lineages of the Heart: Experience Profound Renewal Through the Medicine of the Dark Goddess, Cicada Spirit Guide & Christ Consciousness with Alana Fairchild…

… you’ll receive the wisdom that resides at the crossroads of challenge and change by invoking the transformational medicine, gifts, protection, and heart-renewal of the goddess Kali Ma, Christ Consciousness, the sacred Cicada spirit guide — and your own divine shamanic lineages.

Experience a guided dance practice to free your blocks & experience joy

Discover Sacred Dance for Personal & Collective Freedom Transform Trauma, Open to the Divine & Embody Love as the Ultimate Revolutionary Act

Banafsheh will share how dance can reconnect us and teach us how to hold the joys and sorrows of life in a strong, compassionate, and wide-open heart, empowering the love and goodness that connects us all as we ground ourselves in the joy of being alive.

During the event, you’ll experience this ecstatic connection for yourself during a guided dance practice that harnesses the power of presence and your body’s ability to track and free blocks… and unleash the joy that is buried beneath the stress, tension, and trauma of modern living.