Find Joy & Renewal w/ Qigong for Women Mini-Workshop w/ Daisy Lee

Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong for Renewal, Empowerment & Joy: Tap Into the ‘Energy of Flow’ to Cultivate New Vitality & Connection

In Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong for Renewal, Empowerment & Joy: Tap Into the ‘Energy of Flow’ to Cultivate New Vitality & Connection, you’ll explore the energy of flow to help you release anxiety, ease conflict, and manage day-to-day stresses with greater calm.

Attain the Strength, Grace & Agility of Animals with 5-Animal Qigong

Attain the strength, grace & agility of animals with 5-Animal Qigong

Register to join Daisy on Tuesday, March 12 for a special event with the Shift Network as she shares how the wisdom and wellbeing of animals first inspired China’s renowned master physician Hua Tuo to create the joyful practice of 5-Animal Qigong 1,800 years ago.

Release Blocked Qi & Reclaim Your Health w/ Ba Duan Jin Qigong | Winter Exercise at Home

Release blocked Qi & reclaim your health with Ba Duan Jin Qigong

Meet Qigong Master Faye Li Yip’s & Experience a Cascade of Healing With Ba Duan Jin Qigong: Deepen Your Qi Sensations for Balance & Rejuvenation.

Harness your inner sensations and feel the Qi surging through your body through the mindful movements of Ba Duan Jin Qigong…

… a powerful practice for harmonizing mental and emotional energy, balancing your body systems, and generating rejuvenating energy where it’s needed most.

Combine Multiple Energy Healing Modalities To Expand Conscious Awareness & Mastery (5-day event)

Energy Medicine Summit 2023

In this year’s Energy Medicine Summit, you’ll find all the information you need to help you tap into this vast wellspring of healing expertise, offering you access to some of the world’s foremost teachers on energy medicine, all conveniently gathered in one place.

The healing impact of these teachings is profound, echoing the transformative power of a multidisciplinary approach, as you explore a broad spectrum of energy medicine modalities…

… including Reiki, biofield tuning, sound healing, therapeutic touch, breathwork, acupuncture, plant medicine and psychedelics, light therapy, chakra toning, and more.

Use Quantum Intention Making Techniques to Manifest Your Desires

Learn Quantum Intention Making to manifest your desires

In Explore Quantum Science & Consciousness: How Scientific & Spiritual Principles Align for You to Create a Magnificent Life with quantum physicist and science of consciousness pioneer Dr. Amit Goswami…

… you’ll experience for yourself a revolutionary path of awakening your consciousness through the synergy of quantum science and spirituality and learn a step-by-step, repeatable manifestation process to craft your most empowered, authentic, and intentional life.

Winter Exercise at Home w/ Qigong/Tai Chi Medicine Master Dr. Roger J.

Qigong medicine with expert Roger Jahnke

Join us for Qigong expert Dr. Roger Jahnke’s free online event, Explore Qi Medicine for Harmonizing the “Heart-Mind”: Experience an Ancient Qigong Practice for Emotional Peace & Spiritual Liberation…

… where you’ll discover the profound healing power of ancient Qigong practices and philosophy to better alchemize and uplevel stagnant, unhealthy, and unhelpful mental and emotional energy.

Dr. Roger will be sharing some of his most revitalizing and uplifting techniques for activating the “heart-mind” that will help you shift out of health-depleting patterns into a calm yet energized state of being that fosters clarity, peace, greater mobility, and inspiration.

Join Calming Meditative Movement for Pain Relief, Strength & Energy

Exercise With 5-Dimensional Flow Calming Meditative Movement for Pain Relief, Increased Strength & Elevated Energy with Simon Borg-Olivier

In Put More Ease in Your Exercise With 5-Dimensional Flow: Calming Meditative Movement for Pain Relief, Increased Strength & Elevated Energy with Simon Borg-Olivier…

… you’ll explore a less stressful approach to exercise that works with and not against your body’s natural homeostasis and mental, emotional, and spiritual flow — to create and circulate vibrant streams of health and loving energy throughout your entire being.

Qigong for Women to Navigate Midlife Transitions w/ Ease & Grace

Qigong Practices for Women to Slow Aging, Boosting Your Energy & Balancing Hormones for Ageless Health & Beauty

In Discover “Timeless Body” Qigong: Practices for Slowing Aging, Boosting Your Energy & Balancing Hormones for Ageless Health & Beauty with Deborah Davis…

… you’ll learn how you can heal and prevent disease, eliminate hot flashes, revitalize your libido, and much more as you age — with Qigong designed for a woman’s body.