Uncover Your Soul’s Plan: Guided Meditation, Channeled Wisdom & Pre-Birth Regression

Soul Regression & Channeled Wisdom for a Peaceful, Meaningful & Love-Filled Life

This is an opportunity for you to receive fascinating insights into why a soul chooses to incarnate on Earth during particularly challenging times, such as the past couple of years — a period Rob refers to as a time of Ascension.

These are times of heightened anxiety and fear in which the perceived chaos actually contains the potential jolt that can serve as a catalyst for transformation, enabling you to surrender to the true safety of the Oneness within.

Watch UNSINKABLE Movie 2024 Free Online, Get New Book & More Gifts

Watch UNSINKABLE - Life-Changing MOVIE - You'll LOVE it

“I just watched your incredible movie: Unsinkable – Thank you! Your story of bouncing back from all the things you shared from your past, ten years ago, and then the really touching moments during the making of this very film, about losing your mother… what a gift. I am uplifted and also motivated to make a change for myself. Thank you so much for creating this movie! With Love and Respect, Joe”

Watch Unsinkable SUPER Conference 2024 – The Most Inspirational Event of the Year!

Watch "Unsinkable" Super Conference! The Most Inspirational Event of the Year!

This is truly a wonderful opportunity to learn from Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, Les Brown, Dr. John Gray, Marci Shimoff, and Rhonda Britten. You’ll also experience a beautiful “Sound Healing” session from the wonderful Mark Romero that will help you immediately shift how you feel and put you in a positive, happy, peaceful state.

There will be a beautiful tribute to the legendary Bob Proctor too. In fact, they will be airing some impressive footage (and teachings) from Bob’s full interview from the Unsinkable movie.

Get Spiritual Guidance & Love from Beyond the Physical

Discovering your multidimensional nature bridges the gap between the seen and the unseen and connects you to a sphere of beneficent caring allies who are no longer in a body, enabling you to feel the love that is the source of everything within and around you at every moment.

In Discover Bi-Location to Experience the Multidimensional Nature of Your Soul with renowned shared-death experiencer Scott M. Taylor, EdD…

… you’ll experience for yourself the exhilarating power of bi-location to commune with your dead loved ones and pets and meet anyone else of your choosing in the nonphysical realms.

Free Event: Discover Your Supersensory Gift w/ an Ancestral Guide

Unlock Your Ancestral Wisdom - Free Event on Discovering Your Supersensory Gift

Seeking psychic development & a deeper connection to your ancestors? Join Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest’s FREE online event to discover your most important supersensory gift! Learn to harness intuition, explore past lives, and align your gifts with your purpose. Register now!

Start the New Year off w/ a Ceremonial Blessing from Mirabai Starr.

Become an Everyday Mystic by Embracing Your Brokenness & Awakening to Your Radiant Human Essence

In Navigate Your Spiritual Meltdown: Become an Everyday Mystic by Embracing Your Brokenness & Awakening to Your Radiant Human Essence with Mirabai Starr…

… you’ll be guided to dismiss the commonly accepted notion that enlightenment requires a lifetime of effort, and affirm that a direct experience of mystical connection is possible.

Explore how life is about fully embracing the human experience exactly as it is, but with a new and deeper understanding.

Unlocking Your Inner World w/ Bee Shamanism Dreamwork for Profound Self-Discovery

Learn Dreamwork Practices of Bee Shamanism Techniques from the Bee Priestess Lineage of Ancient Greece to Deepen Your Relationship With Yourself, Spirit & the Earth

Ariella will share how dreaming with bees can uniquely affect your dream state, the importance of honeybees as sacred beings in the ancient world and folklore — and why bees are so important to humankind today.

You’ll discover how, just as the honeybee tends to its garden, you can tend to your own interior garden — and learn more about the world and who you truly are through bee shamanism and intentional dreaming.

Find Your Helping Spirits through Ceremonial Shamanic Journeying

ceremonial shamanic journeying with Sandra Ingerman

Renowned shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman will share the life-changing experience of developing a tangible connection with helping spirits in the worlds beyond ours, including how she can feel her guardian holding her hand as they sit on the warm earth and drink tea together.

Angelic Sound Medicine to Connect With Voice & Your Higher Self

Angelic Sound Medicine to Harmonize Your Chakras & Your Life & Elevate the Magnetism of Your Voice With the Power of 12 Angels of Atlantis

During the brand-new online event, Receive Love-Light Energies From the 12 Angels of Atlantis Through Sonic Meditations with Stewart Pearce, angelic emissary and world-renowned voice and presence coach…

… you’ll access the profound courage, empathy, and unity consciousness that lies within your truest self.