Get Spiritual Guidance & Love from Beyond the Physical

Discovering your multidimensional nature bridges the gap between the seen and the unseen and connects you to a sphere of beneficent caring allies who are no longer in a body, enabling you to feel the love that is the source of everything within and around you at every moment.

In Discover Bi-Location to Experience the Multidimensional Nature of Your Soul with renowned shared-death experiencer Scott M. Taylor, EdD…

… you’ll experience for yourself the exhilarating power of bi-location to commune with your dead loved ones and pets and meet anyone else of your choosing in the nonphysical realms.

Chakradance: Archetypal Healing Dance Practice – Jungian approach

learn how Chakradance, a powerful fusion of spontaneous dance, energizing chakra music, and immersive visualizations, can help you shift from pain to hope and possibility

Natalie says that Chakradance is a “joyful affirmation of who you truly are,” activating the primal part of you. It invites gentle healing by allowing buried emotions and traumas to slowly surface — layer by layer — through the loving wisdom and awareness of the body.

Reprogramming Your Brain to Dramatically Transform Your Health

Reprogramming your brain to dramatically transform your health

Join Brandy on Tuesday, March 5 for a brand-new hour-long event as she explores how repatterning the way your mind responds to emotional connections, energy, and the relationships in your life can unlock your body’s self-healing ability.

Practices to awaken your physical, mental & spiritual power

Join Qigong Practice Online Explore a Fusion of Medical, Martial & Spiritual Practices for Increased Energy, Resilience & Strength

Join Qigong teacher Matthew Cohen’s free online event, Actualize Your Intentions With the 3 Pillars of Qigong: Explore a Fusion of Medical, Martial & Spiritual Practices for Increased Energy, Resilience & Strength…

… where you’ll explore an inspiring multidisciplinary approach to Qigong that increases your functional capacity, empowers your goals, and primes your mind, body, and spirit for strength, compassion, resilience, and peace.

Here’s how to Turn Stress into Strength w/ Dynamic Embodiment

Transform Stress Into Strength With Dynamic Embodiment Practices

In Transform Stress Into Strength With Dynamic Embodiment Practices: Connect Your Mind & Body With Somatic Movement to Move With Joy & Freedom with Dr. Martha Eddy, RSMT, founding director of Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement Therapy Training…

… you’ll experience for yourself the potential of Dynamic Embodiment — a somatic movement system designed to help you to achieve inner balance through mindful movement, emotional attunement, and holistic wellness.

Join Musical Journey Deep Into Your Heart Chanting w/ Krishna Das

Chanting Practice with Krishna Das Kirtan Musical Experience to Find Loving Presence & Peace of Mind

In Enter Into the Heart Through Chanting Practice with Krishna Das: A Kirtan Musical Experience to Find Loving Presence & Peace of Mind, Krishna Das will show you how chanting can help you come home to your Self, move more deeply into your heart, and release and transform the negative stories you believe about yourself and the world.

Energy Medicine Tools for Calling in Guidance & Creating Change

Create Miracles on Demand Through Radical Energy Healing, you’ll learn a powerful energy medicine technique for clearing a block that makes you susceptible to microbes and viruses

A miracle occurs when something you innately know is supposed to happen actually manifests in your life, says renowned intuitive energy healer Cyndi Dale.

She’s traveled the world to glean the deepest insights and practices from top energy healers — so this event is a great way to get distilled wisdom from around the world. She has also trained thousands of other energy healers in her methods.

Join Cyndi and receive tools and techniques for calling in guidance and creating change, healing, transmutation, and more — letting divine energies do the work for you.

Combine Multiple Energy Healing Modalities To Expand Conscious Awareness & Mastery (5-day event)

Energy Medicine Summit 2023

In this year’s Energy Medicine Summit, you’ll find all the information you need to help you tap into this vast wellspring of healing expertise, offering you access to some of the world’s foremost teachers on energy medicine, all conveniently gathered in one place.

The healing impact of these teachings is profound, echoing the transformative power of a multidisciplinary approach, as you explore a broad spectrum of energy medicine modalities…

… including Reiki, biofield tuning, sound healing, therapeutic touch, breathwork, acupuncture, plant medicine and psychedelics, light therapy, chakra toning, and more.

How the Enneagram Can Help Cultivate Compassionate Communication

See how the Gifts of the 9 Enneagram types inspire authentic connections

In The Enneagram & Conscious Communication: How the Gifts of the 9 Types Inspire Authentic Connections with Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb…

… you’ll discover the communication gifts and challenges of the 9 Enneagram types, as well as the body, heart, and head Centers, and embark on a path of fully authentic communication — so you can free your energy… respond to others with love, awareness, and wholeness… and cultivate better relationships.

Transform Your Life: Break Free from Self-Sabotage & Trauma Patterns

Healing Your Karmic Trauma. Be guided in a meditation to bring awareness to your fractal patterns

In Heal Your Karmic Trauma Patterns: Experience a Potent Practice to Change Your Energetic Imprints Through Fractal Repatterning with Dr. Keesha Ewers…

… you’ll explore the five self-sabotaging patterns created from early childhood trauma and how shifting out of them can help you neutralize mental and emotional reactivity — and initiate new pathways for health, happiness, and wellbeing.