Uncover Your Soul’s Plan: Guided Meditation, Channeled Wisdom & Pre-Birth Regression

Soul Regression & Channeled Wisdom for a Peaceful, Meaningful & Love-Filled Life

This is an opportunity for you to receive fascinating insights into why a soul chooses to incarnate on Earth during particularly challenging times, such as the past couple of years — a period Rob refers to as a time of Ascension.

These are times of heightened anxiety and fear in which the perceived chaos actually contains the potential jolt that can serve as a catalyst for transformation, enabling you to surrender to the true safety of the Oneness within.

Talk to Your Pet! Free Telepathic Communication Workshop w/ Penelope Smith

Talk to Your Pet! Free Telepathic Communication Workshop with Penelope Smith

Register to join a special Shift Network event on Tuesday, June 25, for a special event as Penelope shares how you can rediscover and further develop your natural telepathic communication skills with animals and other beings.

Penelope will also guide you through a meditation featuring shamanic drumming to the pattern of a heartbeat — to help you connect more deeply and widely with all the animals of Earth as you ground yourself and feel their consciousness.

Connect w/ Archangels for Guidance & Healing (Free Event!) – Explore V Diagram

Access Messages From the Archangels: How to Gain Protection & Support From Divine Realms for Your Journey

Explore what Shakti Durga calls the “V Diagram” — a map of multi-dimensional consciousness that illustrates the levels of otherworldly realms…

… taking you from the physical (where humans exist in corporeal form) to the etheric (your chakras, aura, energy centers, and meridians) to the astral plane (where we do our thinking, remembering, visualizing, and more)…

… to the soul dimension (where we access our intuition and flow state) and finally to the infinite (a state of pure bliss, where unity consciousness exists beyond form).

Explore Informed Psychedelic Healing: Benefits, Safety & Choosing the Right Medicine

The Power of Informed Psychedelic Healing How to Choose the Ideal Medicine on Your Personal Journey to Wellness

Join us for this free 60 min online event to learn about microdosing and the addictive potential (or none) of the various psychedelics, so you can begin to discern which medicinal path might be the most comfortable, safe, and effective for your wellness journey. Because Dr. Hobbs’ knowledge is based on scientific research, clinical trials, and extensive personal experience, he holds a great deal of information and an extraordinary level of wisdom about how each of these psychedelics work on your brain…

… including where to find them, the most effective settings in which to use them, and ways to find trained and experienced facilitators to walk you through the journeys of each.

Science of Sound Healing: Design Your Own Sound Bath (Free Event!)

Explore the Physics of Sound for Healing Yourself & Others How to Use Frequency, Vibration & Harmonics to Dissolve Dense Energy & Attain Higher States of Awareness

In Explore the Physics of Sound for Healing Yourself & Others: How to Use Frequency, Vibration & Harmonics to Dissolve Dense Energy & Attain Higher States of Awareness with David Gibson…

… you’ll explore the physics of sound and the elements of sound healing — including vibration, harmonics, and frequency — and learn how you can use them to perform transformational sound healings for yourself and others.

Join Rewire Your Brain for Unstoppable Success Event & Get Innercise App 60% Off (Free Samples)

John Assaraf Event - Rewire Your Brain for Unstoppable Success - FREE Ticket

John Assaraf (Star of “The Secret” and New York Times bestselling author) is hosting a once- in-a-lifetime event to help you ‘Rewire Your Brain for Unstoppable Success.”

So why is John so confident this will work for you?

Over 100,000 people from around the world, including myself, have used has brain training methods called Innercise (like exercise for your brain) to achieve massive success and fulfillment in their lives:

– Billy Josey was stuck in the worst rut… today he has tripled his income and built his dream home in Florida (his bank actually emailed him about his earnings)

– Kay Richae went from struggling with her weight… to releasing 42lbs in just 13 weeks, completely changing how she looks and feels about herself

– Christine went from zero confidence… to having an unstoppable determination to win in life and to fulfill her biggest goals and dreams

The list goes on and on. Again, he’s helped over 100K students!

So, if you’re excited about seeing a path to success you’ve never seen before, and excited about unlocking a new level of potential you never knew you had…

Don’t miss your chance to join this experiential, immersive, and fun new event!

Get Spiritual Guidance & Love from Beyond the Physical

Discovering your multidimensional nature bridges the gap between the seen and the unseen and connects you to a sphere of beneficent caring allies who are no longer in a body, enabling you to feel the love that is the source of everything within and around you at every moment.

In Discover Bi-Location to Experience the Multidimensional Nature of Your Soul with renowned shared-death experiencer Scott M. Taylor, EdD…

… you’ll experience for yourself the exhilarating power of bi-location to commune with your dead loved ones and pets and meet anyone else of your choosing in the nonphysical realms.

Free Event: Discover Your Supersensory Gift w/ an Ancestral Guide

Unlock Your Ancestral Wisdom - Free Event on Discovering Your Supersensory Gift

Seeking psychic development & a deeper connection to your ancestors? Join Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest’s FREE online event to discover your most important supersensory gift! Learn to harness intuition, explore past lives, and align your gifts with your purpose. Register now!

Unlock Healing & Higher Consciousness with Sound Vibrations

How sound healing can help you discover the specific frequencies and timbres of each chakra — and raise your energy body vibration

In The Vibration of Healing & Consciousness: How Frequencies, Sounds, Music & Intention Transform Your Body, Emotions & Brainwaves with David Gibson…

… you’ll experience the power of sound and vibration, and uncover the healing frequency you need most right now — to reduce pain, calm anxiety, heal disease, and raise your consciousness.

Discover the Wonder of Your Voice as a Spiritual Practice

In How “Becoming Your Voice” Connects You to Source: Explore How to Reawaken the Wonder of Your Voice as a Spiritual Practice for Healing with Silvia Nakkach…

In How “Becoming Your Voice” Connects You to Source: Explore How to Reawaken the Wonder of Your Voice as a Spiritual Practice for Healing with Silvia Nakkach…

… you’ll explore sound in a new way to become your voice — focusing on the shamanic, contemplative, embodied, and artistic aspects of your voice.